What's driving your business?
Businesses comprise groups of people with different perspectives and motives. These can conflict, and too much influence in one direction will cause problems for your business.These are each admirable motives with positive intent. However if there's an imbalance then your business can't achieve its potential.
Marketing-led companies become famous, but take care that the reality matches the hype!
Sales-led companies focus on winning customers, but for you should sell only what can be delivered and what brings longer-term value.
Operations-led companies can be super efficient, but you risk being out-competed by more adventurous competitors.
Engineering-led companies often build amazing technology, but too much polishing and you could miss the boat.
To help you to understand how these motives affect your business, we've created Samepage Four Motives Framework.
This starts with the Four Motives Analysis, a questionnaire of around 40 questions about you and your company, designed to identify your company's balance of motives (Winning, Fame, Innovation, Efficiency) and highlight the problems associated with over-dominance by any one motive.
Based on the result, we then suggest strategic change initiatives, using proven tools and techniques, to achieve balance and optimise performance.
The Four Motives Matrix visualises where your company sits based on the dimensions of Vector and Vehicle.
The dimensions
The matrix has two dimensions: Vehicle (how you deliver value) and Vector (what drives the definition of that value).

Shifter companies buy and sell commodities, or add value through their service model. Makers like to build products.

Push companies try to convince the market to buy their thing; Pull companies deliver what their customers ask for.